Tuesday, November 02, 2004




would not dare to 指教, just sharing. i worked for japanese company before, and did 2 work placements in tokyo for 2 summer. for my experience, u need to learn their languages and drink/social with them in japanese way, very tiring. as for business tricks, i gained a harsh lesson during with them, they did not claim anything the first/second time from the company that i worked in, then they claimed almost all our profit from the first two biz due to their quality control. it was a painful experience. we learned in a damn hard way.

i had been to chicago once. i cannot remember much. loads of street paint, ar...i brought some antique watches there. quite cheap.
whoooops, correction....during--dealing
thank you so much indeed Ziyi.

I did hang around with japanese firms since 1992, and I knew their life style quite well since I started business with them. In term of client liaision, there are some kind of ways I will never miss ... you know what I'm saying, folks.

Tokyo, is the place that I visited almost four times a years. Although I successfully completed few Jap design & millwork projects amoung these years, I haven't get any bulk order from the Jap international corp so far. Perhaps, my next potential clients would be T, C, G, R, & T

Chicago, the place I love to visit while I studied in North America. Been to most of the buildings done by FLW, the famous architect in USA. The main reason why I go there this time is for job closing, hang around with client, shake hands, cheering and mainly for marketing. purpose.
haha, i know what u mean...things that i will never be able to handle...:)
have a good trip popeye! waiting to see more posts from you on the road!
surely wil do
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